Statistical Methods for Geography

Erstellt von adheft - 06.03.2019
  • Statistical Methods for Geography
Anzahl Besuche 508
Titel Statistical Methods for Geography
ISBN 1446295737
Autor Peter A. Rogerson
Edition 4
Hochschule Universität Zürich
Lieferkonditionen Abholungsort: UZH Irchel, UZH Zentrum
Zustand gut
Preis CHF 20.00
Beschreibung: Introduction to Statistical Methods for Geography Descriptive Statistics Probability and Discrete Probability Distributions Continuous Probability Distributions and Probability Models Inferential Statistics: Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing, and Sampling Analysis of Variance Correlation Introduction to Regression Analysis More on Regression Spatial Patterns Some Spatial Aspects of Regression Analysis Data Reduction: Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis Epilogue
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