File Exchange: TA Summary FULL (2019/20)

TA Summary FULL (2019/20)

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Hochgeladen von like-a-linda - 16.05.2020
Semester Semester HS19/20, FS20
Kategorie Kategorie Zusammenfassung
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Dateigrösse Dateigrösse 750.5 KB
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  A full summary of the Textual Analysis module from HS19/20 and FS20.

formatted and structured to include every lecture, seminar (group 08, by Murièle Weber and Beatrice Montedoro) and chapters from Reading Poetry and Narrative Fiction (as well as certain other major texts).

While there is obviously no guarantee that I got everything, it is very detailed (40 pages) and should contain all the important information.

!!There are no examples from primary literature in this summary!!
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