File Exchange: Module Biologie UZH


Kategorie Beschreibung Dateien
BIO 101 Molekulare Genetik 2
BIO 111 Molekulare und klassische Genetik 69
BIO 112 Zellbiologie 51
BIO 113 Evolution 31
BIO 114 Evolution und Biodiversität I: Einzeller, Wirbellose und Pilze 34
BIO 117 Molekulare und klassische Genetik für Nicht-Biologiestudierende 3
Bio 118 Prinzipien des Lebens 0
BIO 121 Evolution und Biodiversität II: Wirbeltiere und Pflanzen 68
BIO 122 Verhaltensbiologie 55
BIO 123 Quantitative und molekulare Systembiologie 15
BIO 124 Einführung Ethik und Philosophie der Biologie 29
BIO 115 Evolution der Menschen 12
BIO 124 Einführung in die Ethik und Philosophie der Biologie 4
BIO 125 Development of Multicellular Systems 11
BIO 127 1
BIO 131 Form und Funktion der Pflanzen 26
BIO 132 Mikrobiologie, Immunologie, Virologie 30
BIO 133 Anthropologie 20
BIO 134 Programmieren in der Biologie 10
BIO 141 Oekologie und Biodiversität 15
BIO 142 Entwicklungsbiologie 26
BIO 143 Neurobiologie 16
BIO 144 Datenanalyse in der Biologie 14
BIO 145 0
BIO 148 Paläontologie 4
BIO 200 BUSS - Biology Undergraduate Summer School 0
BIO 201 Evolutionary Medicine 4
BIO 202 Evolutionary and Functional Morphology of Primates 0
BIO 205 Evolutionary genetics and genomics of humans and other primates 0
BIO 207 Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Primates 1
BIO 208 Morphometric Analysis 0
BIO 209 Discovering Statistics using R 0
BIO 210 Primate Behavior - Concepts and Theories 0
BIO 211 Primate Behavior - Empirical Research 0
BIO 213 Geschlecht und Biologie 8
BIO 214 Von Affenmenschen und Menschenaffen 4
BIO 215 The evolution of human nature 4
BIO 216 Primate Cognitive Evolution 3
BIO 217 Advanced Topics in Biological Anthropology 0
BIO 218 Ethische Aspekte der biologischen Forschung am Menschen 0
BIO 219 Biomedical Imaging and Scientific Visualization 2
BIO 222 Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics 1
BIO 223 Field Course Evolutionary Biology 0
BIO 224 Vascular Plant Anatomy and Morphology 0
BIO 225 Species and speciation 0
BIO 226 Introduction to ecological genomics and molecular adaptation 0
BIO 227 Biogeography and Biodiversity 0
BIO 229 Introduction to Ancient Biomolecules 0
BIO 230 Cancer Stem/Propagating Cells and their Microenvironment 0
BIO 231 Ethnobotany 0
BIO 233 Plants and Habitats of the Alps 0
BIO 234 Diversity and Evolution of Succulent Plants 2
BIO 235 Plants and People - Evolution and Domestication of Crops 0
BIO 236 Botanical Half day Excursions (FS) 4
BIO 237 Botanical half day excursions (WS) 2
BIO 239 Organisms of the tidal coast: Algae and invertebrates 1
BIO 240 Botanical Excursions (advanced) 0
BIO 243 Beyond central dogma: epigenetics, non-coding RNA, protein post-translational modifications and human disease 3
BIO 244 Signal transduction and cancer 0
BIO 246 Genome Instability and Molecular Cancer Research: cell biology 0
BIO 247 Genome Stability and Molecular Cancer Research: biochemical approaches 0
BIO 248 Functional Assessment of Human Spinal Cord Injury 0
BIO 249 Research Internship in Quantitative and Systems Biology 0
BIO 250 Life Science Industries 0
BIO 251 Cancer and the immune system 2
BIO 252 RNA and Proteins: Post- transcriptional regulation of gene expression 3
BIO 253 Experimental Techniques in Physical Biology 0
BIO 254 Functional Genomics 4
BIO 255 Cancer Epigenetics 0
BIO 256 Current Approaches in Single Cell Analysis 0
BIO 257 DNA metabolism and cancer 5
BIO 259 Research Internship in Molecular and Cellular Biology 0
BIO 260 Molecular Biology Course for Biology and Medicine 0
BIO 262 Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates - Issues and Methods 0
BIO 264 Paleobiology and Evolution of Invertebrates 0
BIO 265 Evolution and paleobiology of plants 0
BIO 267 Paläobiologie und Evolution der Wirbeltiere 0
BIO 268 Paleontological Fieldwork 0
BIO 269 Research Internship in Paleontology (in the research groups 4- 12 weeks) 0
BIO 270 Demonstrations in Osteology 0
BIO 271 Illustrations in Natural History 0
BIO 272 Paleobiology and Phylogeny of Amphibiens and Reptiles 0
BIO 275 Paleobiology and Evolution of Echinoderms 0
BIO 279 Paleontological Excursions (on weekends) 0
BIO 282 Methods in Molecular Plant Biology 0
BIO 283 Molecular Plant Biochemistry 0
BIO 284 Systemic Microbiology 0
BIO 285 Genetic and Epigenetic Control of Plant Development 0
BIO 286 Molecular Plant Physiology: Transport 0
BIO 287 Plant cell wall development 0
BIO 288 Mechanisms of plant disease resistance against fungal pathogens 0
BIO 289 Archaeobotany and Archaeobiology 0
BIO 290 Aquatic microbial ecology 0
BIO 291 Evolutionary Microbiology 0
BIO 292 Human and veterinary medical Bacteriology 0
BIO 295 Agroecology, Food Security & Sustainable Production 1
BIO 297 Social Behaviour of Bacteria (Vorlesung) 1
BIO 298 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 0
BIO 301 Vascular plants of the Plateau and Jura 0
BIO 304 Flora of Switzerland: Diversity of the Flowering Plants 0
BIO 306 Artenkenntnisse der einheimischen Gefässpflanzen: Rosiden und Asteriden 0
BIO 308 Introduction to Limnology (Inland water ecosystems) 0
BIO 309 Limnoecology 0
BIO 313 Excursion Lake Zurich: Drinking Water, Fish Farming and Waste Water Treatment 0
BIO 315 Forschungspraktikum Pflanzenbiologie 0
BIO 316 Forschungspraktikum Mikrobiologie 0
BIO 319 Targeting cancer cell motility and invasiveness 0
BIO 320 Sleep and wake regulation 0
BIO 321 Microscopy in Cell and Developmental Biology 0
BIO 322 Cell Biology of Viral Infections 0
BIO 323 Modern Genetics and Genomics 0
BIO 324 Animal Behaviour 0
BIO 325 Systems dynamics in cell and developmental biology 0
BIO 326 Experimental Developmental Biology 0
BIO 327 Advanced Neuroscience Course 0
BIO 328 Neurobiology 0
BIO 329 Ecology 0
BIO 330 Modelling in Biology 0
BIO 331 Frontiers in Animal Behaviour 2
BIO 332 Cell cycle and cell proliferation 0
BIO 333 Comparative Physiology and Pharmacology of Sleep 5
BIO 334 Practical Bioinformatics 0
BIO 336 From DNA to Diversity: the Evolution of Multicellular Organisms 0
BIO 337 Introduction to Neuroscience Grant Writing 0
BIO 338 Course in Scientific Writing 0
BIO 342 Comparative Behavioral Neuroscience 11
BIO 343 Structure, Plasticity and Repair of the Nervous System 3
BIO 344 Development of the Nervous System 2
BIO 345 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation 0
BIO 346 Genetics and Evolution of Sex Determination 0
Bio 347 From Cells to Animals: Developmental Cell Biology 0
BIO 348 Concepts of Modern Genetics 2
BIO 349 Behavioral Endocrinology 0
BIO 350 Eco-Physiology and Implications for Behaviour and Health 0
BIO 351 Principles of Evolution: Theory 0
BIO 352 Principles of Evolution: Practice 0
BIO 355 Evolutionary Biology of Health and Disease 0
BIO 356 Research Internship in Developmental Biology and Genetics 0
BIO 357 Research Internship in Ecology 0
BIO 358 Research Internship in Animal Behaviour 0
BIO 359 Video as a Scientific Method in Ethology (1 week in summer) 0
BIO 360 Topics in Neurogenetics 0
BIO 361 Biology of Reproduction 0
BIO 362 Chronobiology 0
BIO 363 Diversity of the Vertebrates 0
BIO 364 The Physics of Life 0
BIO 367 Science Photography 0
BIO 368 Scientific Information Literacy 0
BIO 370 Introduction to Invertebrate Identification 0
BIO 371 Ecological Genetics 0
BIO 372 Virology: Methods in Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Human Viruses 3
BIO 373 Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics using Next Generation Sequencing 0
BIO 377 Basic Quantitative Methods 0
BIO 378 Research Internship in Evolutionary Biology and Systematics 0
BIO 379 Introduction to Evolutionary and Population Ecological Modeling 0
BIO 380 Experimental Field Biology: Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution 0
BIO 381 Research Internship Immunology 0
BIO 382 Research internship in Virology 0
BIO 383 Research Internship in Neurobiology (6-12 weeks) 0
BIO 386 Sociobiology of Communication I 0
BIO 387 Sociobiology of Communication II 0
BIO 388 Human Genetics 0
BIO 389 Clinical Neuroscience 2
Bio 390: Introduction to Bioinformatics (ehem. BCH 401) 8
BIO 391 Seminar Biologie und Philosophie: Das Problem des Bewusstseins 0
BIO 394 Interdisciplinary Research Methods In Computational Biology 0
BIO 407 Practical Microscopy 0
BIO 409 Veterinary Medicine: comparative morphology and pathophysiology 0
BIO 413 Genome modification in the mouse 0
BIO 416 Microscopy 1
BIO 422 0
BIO 424 0
BIO 427 Research Internship in Human Biology (4-12 weeks) 0
BIO 430 Immunology 1
BIO 431 Cell Death and Inflammation 1
BIO 433 Biology of Cancer Treatment: Old and Novel Therapeutic Strategies 2
BIO 434 Electrophysiological Recording Techniques 0
BIO 436 Introduction to Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology 0
BIO 437 Human Adaptation 2
BIO 440 Evolutionary Medicine - Advanced Topics 0
BIO 445 Quantitative Life Sciences: from Infectious Diseases to Ecosystems 0
BIO 550 Research Internship Anthropology (in den Forschungsgruppen 4-12 Wochen) 0
BIO 586 Evolution und Paläobiologie der Kopffüsser (Cephalopoda) 0
BIO 587 Evolution und Paläobiologie der Gliedertiere (Arthropoda) 0
BIO 591 Paläobiologie und Phylogenie der Säugetiere 0
BIO 622 Viruses: From Molecular Biology to Disease 1
BIO 632 Introductory course in flow cytometry 0
BIO 780 Museum Internship 0
BIO 783 Curatorial Internship in the Zurich Zoo 0
BIO 903 Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung in Biologie mit pädagogischem Fokus 0
BIO438 Human Osteoarcheology 1
Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung in Biologie mit pädagogischem Fokus I (ETH) 0
Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung in Biologie mit pädagogischem Fokus II (ETH) 0 - gemeinsam studieren ist besser
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