Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services Assistant

Aufgaben, die Sie voranbringen

  • You are part of our high performing CMAAS team executing and delivering on transaction related projects including IPOs, debt & equity offerings, cross border M&A transactions and/or accounting change programs.
  • You will accompany clients during the key steps of their transactions and participate in providing hands on support on change programs including new digital solutions to clients ranging from local fast growing businesses to some of the largest international listed groups.
  • You work under the guidance of a Director or (Senior) Manager to support your clients on acquisitions and disposals including complex financial history, pro-forma, carve out reporting in multiple capital markets and under various accounting frameworks, as well as accounting standard changes and GAAP conversion projects (from/to IFRS). You also support structuring and financial due diligence projects conducted by our Deals specialists.
  • You develop client relationships and start building your own business network.
  • You develop project management skills.

Ihr Profil, um gemeinsam etwas zu bewegen

  • You hold a master, diploma or bachelor degree in business administration (preferably with major accounting)
  • You have pre-existing knowledge of and/or practical exposure to accounting standards (e.g. IFRS) with an appetite to learn and grow further.
  • You have strong analytical skills, are well organized and work well under time pressure.
  • You have a solid level of English
  • You are curious and enthusiastic about working in a highly international and diverse team and can easily adapt to different work environments.
  • You are flexible and willing to travel.
  • You are open-minded and are willing to drive your career together with your coach towards new opportunities.


Are you passionate and ready to shape the future?
Then you've got what it takes to reimagine the possible.

Questions? Give us a call, we are happy to help.

Learn more about our application process.

PwC Schweiz ist das führende Prüfungs- und Beratungsunternehmen in der Schweiz. Als unabhängiges Mitglied im internationalen Netzwerk von PwC unterstützen wir Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen dabei, Lösungen und nachhaltige Ergebnisse in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsprüfung, Beratung und Steuerdienstleistungen zu schaffen. Unserer Meinung nach lassen sich Herausforderungen besser gemeinsam bewältigen. Deshalb triffst du bei PwC auf eine vielfältige, globale «Community of Solvers» – einen unerwarteten Mix von Menschen, die gemeinsam Vertrauen in die Gesellschaft aufbauen und wichtige Probleme lösen wollen. Wir laden dich ein, Teil davon zu werden: Be a part of The New Equation.
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Spannende Arbeitgeber

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Nachhaltiger studentischer Austausch über die Grenzen von Hochschulen, Studienrichtungen und Jahrgängen hinweg - kostenlos, anonym, seit 2002.
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